Thursday, December 26, 2024

May 19, 1984

May 19, 1984

This morning we rented a car and drove into the English countryside. The manual stick shift, left-side driving and dense city traffic made for an experience. I started off driving and we almost didn’t make it out of London after I made my first turn into the wrong lane of incoming traffic.
Once we escaped the city accident-free we stopped at Windsor Castle on the western outskirts of London. It is a huge medieval castle on the Thames and another residence of the British royals.

After a quick tour we headed west to Stonehenge. It was one roundabout (traffic circle) after another. The Brits don’t believe in stoplights. We were driving down the road and Stonehenge just popped out at us. It is an amazing prehistoric structure that is thought to be as old as the pyramids. Its purpose is a mystery. We learn that these circular “henges” were actually commonplace in Neolithic times. We drive to the nearby hamlet of Avebury to see another lesser-known, wider-spaced, stone circle.

Heading back towards London we stopped for the night in Oxford. There we took a quick peak at Christchurch College, one of many colleges in the University. We had dinner and a pint of ale at a campus pub.

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May 10, 1984

May 10, 1984 I had always heard about students backpacking thru Europe after college. To have done it after undergrad was out of the questi...