Friday, December 20, 2024

June 4-6, 1984

June 4, 1984

We took the train south to Naples (Napoli), Italy and then a ferry to the Isle of Capri just off the coast. Capri is a large rock jutting from the Mediterranean that has been a leisure getaway for wealthy Europeans since early Roman times. Without a car and money we had a hard time appreciating it. We stayed in the town of Anacapri. We went down to the Punta Carena lighthouse area and saw guys jumping off the sea cliffs.

We took the ferry back to Naples and then a train to nearby Pompeii. Rising above Naples harbor is the dormant volcano of Mt. Vesuvius. In 79AD Vesuvius erupted and buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Both are being excavated to unearth perfectly preserved ancient Roman cities. Pompeii is beyond words. It is amazing to have this glimpse of what life was like in Roman times. In many ways it is no different than today. The only difference is they learned to live without TV and other modern conveniences. They had the same needs, wants, and vices of today: security, status, entertainment and sex. Unfortunately for us it seemed to rain most of the day.

Just off the side entrance to Pompeii, we toured the Villa of the Mysteries. A few hundred yards outside the main town, it is obviously the home of a wealthy family. It has beautiful and well-preserved frescoes decorating the rooms. There is a central open atrium with a sunken floor to catch rainwater.

Once inside the main town of Pompeii, we toured the house of the Tragic Poet. This city house has wonderful mosaic tile floors. I had to laugh seeing the entry vestibule. It has a tiled watch dog with the phrase, Cave Canem. I know from my high school Latin that this means Beware of Dog.

After wandering thru many houses we came upon the open Forum (marketplace) with a great but ominous view of Mt. Vesuvius in the background.

The town also had a well-preserved theatre for plays and an amphitheatre for spectator sports. Entertaining the masses was important for the Romans.

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May 10, 1984

May 10, 1984 I had always heard about students backpacking thru Europe after college. To have done it after undergrad was out of the questi...